AIC 2018

6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition

International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, 6th Edition

Palermo, 2018 July 2-4

AIC 2018 - News -

January 11 Online AIC2018 website

January 11 Call for Papers published

January 11 Social #aic2018ws hashtag start on twitter

January 11 Social facebook page online



  2nd july 3rd july 4th july
9,30 - 10,00 ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr
10,00 - 10,30 ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr
10,30 - 11,00 ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr
11,00 - 11,30 ewfhe wfuhe wfhhf jdoqwrie wre jjoqewdrhdr jjoewrqjwqw je iwejeoe oejr    
11,30 - 12,00      
12,00 - 12,30      
12,30 - 13,00      
13,00 - 13,30      
13,30 - 14,00      
14,00 - 14,30      
15,00 - 15,30      
15,30 - 16,00      
16,00 - 16,30      
16,30 - 17,00      
17,00 - 17,30      
17,30 - 18,00